
Thursday, 14 November 2024

Flying To Economic Peace!

From humble beginnings...

To Trump International - Jerusalem

Approximately 3 million people are trapped in regions of Israel's Judea and Samaria, under direct control of the Palestinian Authority. They are entirely landlocked and since 7 October 2003 they have become increasingly isolated. As long as their political leaders maintain pay-to-slay terrorism, targeting Jews and deny the existence of the Jewish State of Israel, then much like the fate of Hamas and people in Gaza, these people will be doomed to live in tense, militaristic environments that will continue to burden GDP and their prosperity. 

Compare Israel GDP

With Palestinian Authority GDP

The new Trump administration can unburden their future with opportunities that direct significant development and growth to the region, including for landlocked residents who aspire to capital market values. Newly appointed Ambassador Mike Huckabee and Middle East Advisor Steven Witkoff fully grasp the realities of the region, but also understand that willing participants who desire economic peace, through capital growth and increased prosperity, can motivate participation. However, participants must jointly and simultaneously displace old regimes and leaders who are beholden to rhetoric and negative impact politics. 

Since the Abraham Accords regional relations have skewed toward increased productivity and prosperity with nations like The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and even Saudi Arabia seeking to lift restrictive barriers imposed on their populations. Now a sea-change is coming and there may never be a better time to focus on Israel's existing plans that were put into place, to be endorsed, at the end of the previous Trump administration.

Between the Dead Sea and Jerusalem is one such plan for a major infrastructure project that would motivate large numbers of local people toward a future that holds great promise for them and the region. The plan and outlook is for an international airport, eventually serving Jerusalem, Ramallah, the Dead Sea, Jordan Valley and southern cities of Jordan. Perhaps as The Trump International Airport, it would resolve complexities that are presently disrupting the pursuit of regional peace and could eventually grow to become a major international travel hub. 

Detailed studies for a full scale international hub, have already concluded the suitability of the location, but a single runway, not much more than the road in these images and videos and a make-shift terminal, would be sufficient to get this project energized and parties vested in success-based goals.

For Israel its about security, for the PA its independence, but for both the prospects of local prosperity may outweigh their lesser principles. If Israel tolerates a sealed, secure road to and from the airport and Ramallah, perhaps from Jordan too then the border system could ensure safe passage through a  facility that satisfied entry-exit requirements of all parties. For a more detailed look turn to page 68 of the a the Jerusalem 5800 plan that can be downloaded

Notwithstanding the impact Covid19 and Israel's present wars the future forecast for international travel to the region is bright. Airports take time to plan and develop, even small ones' now is the time to forge minds and hearts to drive toward common interests that serve the prosperity of people.